A series of testaments which put a smile on our face. The power of a single wheelchair, the positive change and impact which it has on children that live with disabilities.
The power of a smile and Strength of will
Zambia, November 2018.
Together with Pamodzi Noi Ana, while visiting a boy who received a wheelchair months earlier (part of the follow up program), the father told us that a young girl with walking problems lived nearby. He guided us to a close-by village where the family was living. The family was sitting in the shade of a tree next to a modest clay hut in which they lived. After introductions, we learned that one of the 7 children, Mwadziona, was disabled since birth.
The girl walked on all four (using both hands and feet) as a result of a malformation of her hips and knees, her hands were rough, calloused from “walking”. Nevertheless, she managed to move around and climb on chairs to sit, unfortunately, regardless of her ability to move around, she was unable to attend school because of her disability.
We decided to donate her a wheelchair in order to facilitate her moving around, in addition we gave her a pair of colourful crutches. After some explaining and trying, she was able to walk upright with help of the crutches and to easily maneuver her new personal fitted wheelchair, all this she did with a bright and marvelous smile on her face.
Her grandfather still sitting in the shade, wiped away tears of joy, for the change and improvement in the life of Mwadziona.
Zambia, May 2021
Now nearly 2 and a half years later, a new follow up was done. It filled our hearts with joy and pride to see that, after only 2 years, Mwadziona was able to walk short distances on her own without the help of crutches, partially because of her motivation, strength of will and her huge desire for independence.
Mwadziona, has in the meanwhile also started to attend school. Seen the distance of the infrastructure from her village she still makes use of the wheelchair to reach the school grounds. Her grandmother accompanies her every day. Nevertheless, once home, Mwadziona gets out of her wheelchair, and moves around independently on her feet.
We always have the hope that our work brings positive changes and impacts to children that live with disabilities. Seeing Mwadziona, and her story, we find testament in the difference a single wheelchair can make, improving the quality of life of a young girl and her family. Mwadziona is now more independed and empowered, she is a role model for others in the community, that like her live with a disability.
“Mwadziona is now more independed and empowered, she is a role model for others in the community, that like her live with a disability.”
In 2 years Mwadziona went from
1 — Walking on all fours to walking upright independently.
2 — Having no access to basic education to being able to attend school daily and playing with her peers.
3 — Being isolated from part of the community life, while now she is included and actively participating in the part of the activities of her community.